Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pictures of modeling clay and doughnuts.

Refer to this post. I bought these stuff during at Yishun Safra's Flea market...My Life's Inspirations!: Hearty Superlightweight clay and doughnuts

The clays are kinda expensive.  The coloured ones are very deeply coloured, you need quite a lot of white clay to make them lighter in shade...

Beginner should use these types of clay...

These are the moulds to make those wavy icing cream on top of the cakes.

Grace clay is very expensive! Cost $24.80 a small pack... If you have mastered clay modeling, then you can try this clay...

Using the star tip moulds, i tried making some of the wavy cream, it took me a long time and didn't work out fine. Took several hours to squeeze and swirl into the sundae shapes.

Tried making the smurf's mushroom house but it didn't turn out fine either... Maybe I should go for lessons.
Tried making a few milk bottles but I accidentally swashed them with the air tight container.

Tried making doughnuts instead.. Look! They resembled doughnuts! Success!

The book I bought at $42.80, contained some pictures and instructions, all in Japanese. I don't understand a single word.. LOL..

National Day - Free Portrait Sketch by a Great Artist...

Got this free sketch at Yishun Safra on National Day, 9 Aug, 2011..
Mr Artist drew my portrait in less than 3 minutes and he is ambidextrous!

Thanks Mr Artist but I didn't get your name!
