Showing posts with label contractions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contractions. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Gave birth via C-sect! 5 weeks old Baby J.

Gave birth more than 1 month ago @ Gleneagles via emergency C section because baby's umbilical cord was cord around her neck, causing her distress. She had an unstable heartbeat that went up to a high 200 and a low 80 at times. There wasn't much contractions and the cervix wasn't open.

Here's a cute Baby J at 4 weeks old... I think my darling is such a photogenic baby. I am grateful to have such a wondrous gift!

By the way, those are interested to try ageloc R2, pls contact me by leaving me your contact numbers or email asap as I have 6 sets left to clear at attractively low prices.